This week has been a trying on to say the least. Tuesday Gary went for his weekly blood test and we thought that he was doing pretty good but when we got the results back his blood levels were dangerously low. We ended up being in the hospital for him getting a transfusion and we were not released till 3:30 am. We walked into the house at 4am and Cassie and Merry came running out to hug us, part of me was glad to see them the other side of me yelled GO TO BED :). Wednesday was pretty much a day of sleep but that evening I think Gary hit an extra low point he discovered that his hair was falling out. Boy when his hair let loose it let loose by the time we made it to the hair place on Friday he barely had any left at all. I have to say it was a lot harder to see him get shaved then I thought it would be. I am pleasantly surprised at how good he looked after it was done. I told him he really was very sexy bald (I know tmi). In my minds eye he still has hair and when I look over at him it reminds me of the difficult battle he is facing. I told him if he choose to go bald I would LOVE it but knowing why he is bald makes my heart hurt every time I look at him :(. Next week on Monday he gets a porta cath put in which will be so great for him not as much pain so I am so happy for that but we have to BE there at 5 am I am not so happy about that lol.. then Tuesday if his blood is okay then he will start 3 days of chemo and then a shot on Friday to help his immunity then he usually sleeps the weekend away after the chemo. Oh did I mention I turn 37 that week too. I have some friends who are taking me out on Tuesday for my birthday that will be an oasis for me this week, The kids keep asking what are you gonna do for your birthday and all I can say sit in the infusion center and help Gary, past that I don't think anything :( One priceless bday gift is my sweet man here to walk into another year of life with. I am so grateful that My middle and youngest daughters birthdays will fall on an off week for chemo so daddy should feel up to being at their party.
We are in such a difficult busy season right now please pray for us as we head into the holiday season. I swore this year no matter how tired I am that I will make this Holiday as special as possible. Last year we barely thought about the holidays and they past with barely a mention from us and I swore this year will not be like that. Last thanksgiving Gary was just released from the hospital and the trip up north we were planning got scrapped and thanks to an inpromptu trip to publix we did have turkey and fixins but they were all microwaveable sides and it pretty much was pathetic :( This year IS going to be different Thanksgiving may come from cracker barrel or Sonny's (it will be a chemo week ) but we will make it special. None of us are guaranteed a tomorrow and we need to celebrate and make memories every chance we can. So let me be the first to wish you all a happy special almost holiday season make memories and make it special..
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