Friday, May 7, 2010

Gary update - 5/7/10

Our vacation to Orlando went very well. We visited Animal Kingdom and Sea World. Sea World was unmercifully hot, so hot that we left early. Fortunately we've been there before enough times that we didn't miss anything we hadn't been to before. It's amazing that there is virtually no shade in the entire park!

On Friday, my birthday of all days, despite a good day having breakfast with SpongeBob and other Nick characters and a great day playing in the pool with the kids, I began to slowly develop pain in my right shoulder. At first I thought little of it -- I assumed I had pulled a muscle or something. Sea World was Saturday, and we planned to go to Magic Kingdom on Sunday. Unfortunately, my shoulder got worse, radiating pain into my neck and mid back. We were also still worn out from the heat exhaustion from Sea World. Even the kids just wanted to hang at the hotel on Sunday. Fortunately the tickets are good for two weeks, so the plan is to head to the Magic Kingdom tomorrow and spend the day there, assuming that I can tolerate it.

My shoulder, back, and neck pain continued to worsen throughout this week. I finally went to the ER Wednesday morning because the pain was radiating into my head and my rib cage, making it difficult to breathe. The ER doctor was unfortunately and to put it diplomatically, a moron! He said that it was a neck sprain -- simple soft tissue trauma. We tried to explain with the bone cancer, it may not be so simple, but he didn't want to do a CT scan or x-ray because in his words, "you've already had enough radiation".

He prescribed prescription strength Ibuprofen, Lortab, and Valium (which he said is a good muscle relaxant). Of course the Valium has left me very tired and I was told not to drive, so I've been working from home this week.

Today I had a follow up appointment with my radiation oncologist. We explained the neck and shoulder pain I've been having. He agreed that the ER doc was an idiot and should have done a scan. He reviewed my last scans and said that there are cancerous lesions in my right collarbone and shoulder blade. He is sure that the pain is not soft tissue but is likely cancer related. That wasn't what we wanted to hear.

We explained that I'm going to Moffitt on 5/26 for a CT scan and the doctor there doesn't want to do the scan until all of the previous radiation side effects are gone. As such, my radiation oncologist wants to wait until after Moffitt to revisit my shoulder issue. I will meet with him again on 5/28. It is likely that I will need to undergo radiation treatments in my shoulder. The doctor doesn't anticipate any side effects from that except for fatigue, which I'm getting used to.

So once again things are up in the air. The doctor is going to speak with my doctor at Moffitt to see where to go from here. With the drugs I'm taking, they're keeping the shoulder and neck pain under control, but I know I can't stay on the Valium and function. I don't know if we'll be able to make it to the Magic Kingdom tomorrow like we've planned or not. I'm doing a little better today, so here's hoping.

We appreciate your continue thoughts and prayers. I know with the Lord's help and your support, we will make it through this.

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