Wednesday, November 3, 2010

The Drama just keeps on coming

Gary is just now finishing his 4th blood transfusion in the last 3 months. The hospital was undergoing an audit today and they brought them to our room because we have been here 5 times in the last 3 months and surely if there were any defeciencies we would find them lol. I am happy to say that my only complaint against St Vincents is the poor and spotty wi fi and lo and behold the head of the hospital came by and said they were in the planning phase of upgrading the wi fi. Hmm they listen cool :) I told the auditor I can go to McDonalds and be fine but I have to stand on one foot with tin foil to get wifi in some places here :)

The transfusion helped put some color back into big mans face hopefully he will feel better too. He starts back to chemo tomorow and then friday. The kids arent huge fans of this new chemo schedule we were at the hospital probably 20 hours last week and know this week we will surpass the 20 hours. They are okay with daddy being gone they know that he needs this care but they arent real keen about mommy being gone. Mommy is always around I am a costant in their life and lately I havent been able to be very constant. Please pray peace on them this is so hard for grown ups to deal with I cant even imagine being 10 or 12 dealing with this. This last week Merry asked Gary point blank what will happen if this chemo dosent work?? Gary answered her honestly "then the doctors will get worried" she has not been the same since that talk she is a smart girl she knows what that means :(

I do have to tell you of something really really cool this morning. We had gone home with the low fuel light on and the little light that says how long you can drive before empty said 7 miles. As I turned onto the main road I noticed a bunch of traffic and just prayed please God let us get to the gas station and like a minute latter the low fuel light came on and the miles light jumped from 7 to 25 and even though we were in 30 min of stop and go traffic we made it to the gas station with gas to spare. Such an awsome reminder to us that God provided for ALL our needs. I know I should have that lessoon DOWN by know but after updating our checkbook last night I was getting anxious again that we might not get thru the month and then God goes and does this and gently reminds me HE has our back. Thank you Daddy :)

Blessings on all of you this week and thank you for standing with us in prayer and thank you to the people who gathered on saterday to pray for Gary and a friend who both got devesdtating news last week. I can honestly say we could not make it with out all the prayers and love/ THANK YOU

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