Thursday, February 24, 2011

Tonight we got word that the friend who was in her own cancer marathon finished that marathon in Jesus arms tonight and is now whole and cancer free in heaven. She was a young woman around the same age as Gary and had 3 year old twins that will miss having this amazing woman there to guide them into adulthood. WHY why is the God who is a healing God allowing this beautiful woman to be taken, why does he allow my husbands life to be threatened, why does He allow babies that have been prayed for from the time of conception almost to die shortly after birth, why is my 10 year old having behavioral issues because she constantly worried that one day she is going to wake up and Daddy will be gone, why are my girls having to make plans to go to a daddy daughter dance with their grandpa and uncles WHY? I wish I had this magic bullet answer to that question but I am really struggling with it tonight. I have prayed and prayed what God has show me is life is like the back of a cross stitch piece all knotted and nasty and sometimes darn right ugly but only the master craftsman knows what the front looks like and it is a beautiful picture. I look forward to the day when I can look back from heaven and say ohhhh that's what you were doing God. Until that day I have to be like a child and trust that my Daddy will keep us all firm in his hands and provide for that sweet man who is grieving the love of his life and the children who are too young to really understand what all this means and trust that as we walk through the shadow of the valley of death we will fear no evil and know that HIS rod and staff will comfort us.

God help that precious family shower them with your love and your peace

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