Monday, February 14, 2011

Valentines Day Ba hum bug

This year Valentines is really hard. The love of my life is in the battle for his life and there is not much left from the battle for doing the things we used to do. It makes me so sad to think of the walks down the beach we used to take when now walking across the room is a struggle for him. My normally pleasantly plump husband is nearly 100 pounds lighter than he was just 6 months ago. What I would give to wake up and the last 18 months to have been a dream. I want my old husband back so bad I can hardly stand seeing him suffer the way he is. My poor baby is fighting so hard against this cancer and I am so proud of him. The blows just keep coming tho, this week he may be forced to finally go on disability which will mean half our salary gone and medical coverage gone. He is also getting an MRI to check and see if the cancer has spread to his brain :( We are all so tired the kids are about on the edge of nervous breakdowns after my 40 days of medical crap and Gary just wants it to be over and this cancer GONE and I am just numb and I am okay with that cause if I am numb at least I wont cry and I am tired of crying. Please keep this family in your prayers we are all just about at the end of our ropes and need God to refill and refresh us. Also please remember a friend of ours whose wife is in the battle for life as well they need strength and peace as well. Happy Valentines and take the time to Thank God for your love if they are healthy and with you. I know our spouses can get on our nerves and be difficult but the alternative is not having them so cherish every second you have with your love ones we never know when those moments will be threatened or taken away.

1 comment:

  1. I love you guys, and I know it's hard right now, just remember that you can get through anything <3
