Friday, August 5, 2011

The Funeral

Well today was the funeral. It was so hard even saying the words GARY'S FUNERAL it all still seems surreal. It was a beautiful service amazing music, a wonderful slide show of his life, a tearful tribute from Gary's Dad that brought me to massive tears and most of all God was glorified and that was what Gary would have wanted most of all. There is a strange peace falling over the girls and I the anxiety and worry we had over taking care of Daddy is now gone. I think we all lived on pins and needles for so long listening for any noise of Gary in discomfort. I would never change a minute of the last few months I feel that I fell even more in love with Gary the last few months but that nervous energy has all ready begun to fade and now the quiet stillness of a broken heart is all that remains. I am so glad that at the end of this VERY long journey I can honestly say I do not have any regrets I think we tried everything humanly possible to see his healing. He always said we will do the natural and let God do the supernatural.Gary is now whole and healthy and leading a choir of angels in worship to the God he loved so very much. He used to tell me "it says that there will be no tears in heaven but if I am up there with out you I cant imagine NOT having tears" tonight I pray that that sweet wonderful man is resting peacefully in the arms of God and hearing the words that was the motivation to all he ever did "well done good and faithful servant".

Next week will begin all the finale preparations to close out an amazing life please pray that we have favor with all the places we have to call and notify of his passing and please pray that all the insurance comes through quickly we are living on very little till all that comes through. I guess I will also begin my journey as a single mom I am not a huge fan of that being married to Gary was the best he was amazing. He could calm me down with a touch and he would look at me with those big brown eyes and in case my hand in his big hands and all the sudden I believed I could do anything. He told me before he died "you will be fine when I am gone I have no doubt" now I wish he could come down and tell me that one more time to look in those eyes and feel that love. Sigh thank you for your continued prayers as this new phase of the Marathon begins.

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